Group counselling session for the girls was conducted in two slots by the staff members of sub divisional hospital, Khadur Sahib on 11/05/2023 (Thursday) at Nishan E Sikhi International School. Dr. Deepinder Kaur ( Medical officer),Ms.Sukhpal Kaur(CHO),Ms.Jaspreet Kaur(ANM) were specially sent by the senior medical officer to guide the girls students.Headmistress,staff nurse and co-ordinators were present along with the girls from grade 6 to 12 .The agenda of this interaction was to help the girls overcome their misconceptions and shyness that they go through related to menstruation and menstruation cycle which cause anxiety,depression and long term health complications among females.They were also taught to maintain personal hygiene and to always be expressive in front of their parents and teachers. Students were also motivated to take good care of their health as they are going to build the future of the nation. A deep explanation was given on PCOD, which is affecting the lives of many females nowadays. The girls were inspired to follow a healthy routine and to take nutritious diet specially during these days.All the girls raised their doubts and problems related to menstruation and felt relaxed after getting accurate information. They thanked the staff members of the hospital and promised to spread the knowledge that they have gained during the session. Given below are some glimpses of the event.