As per CBSE circular number ACAD-73/2021 dated August 31,2021, The school has conducted the Swachhata Pakhwada Activities such as :
Swachhata Awareness Day
Green School Drive
Swachhata Participation Day
Hand Wash Day
Personal Hygiene Day
Swachhata School Exhibition Day
Swachhata Action Plan Day …….etc.
The Pakhwada Activities started from September 1,2021 and continued till September 14,2021.
Students participated with great enthusiasm. They showed their talent in performing the activities.
They drew posters, wrote slogans, poems essays and constructed models to make everyone aware
about Swachhata. Teachers also gave their contribution in teaching the students the values of
making ourselves and our surroundings clean . As
“ Cleanliness is indeed next to Goldiness.”